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Hope for luck

I recently found myself in a not so flashy part of Nairobi. With the bad roads coupled with the poor driving skills possessed by the residen...

Tuesday 9 December 2014

The devil in the details

Don't you just love Nairobi. The one reason is that Nairobi has a lot of pretty girls. The kind of jaw dropping, eye popping, mouth watering girls walking the town. And so I thought to myself, why not? Just why wouldn't I reel myself in one of the trophy girls. And so I did.
And I saw she was good! Not just about the face or the curves on her, she was awesome. And I thought so too.
We texted a lot. Am talking sleep and wake up on my phone. Four days straight is a big deal for me. All bliss, until she said she thought that Global warming was a hoax.
That was where I got off.
Call it chauvinism, call it opinion. Really, there is no substitute for a good head. A solid head on your shoulders that can hold an informed opinion about something...anything worthwhile than the Kardashian's choice of wear to an event...or even just what drink she can or cannot drink basing on the price....or not.
I'm not saying that everyone should have a phd neither am I saying that drinking is bad...but reading a book once a while will go a long way.
Knowing that it's Chelsea and not Samsung that's winning is cute but knowing that Hitler was a German and not from Angola is hot.
All in all, next time you are probably asked about Picasso? It'll probably not be smart to talk of JayZ's song.

Monday 10 November 2014

Putting the M(me) in miracle

I had always thought that when everything in life went sideways, i'd launch a church, be a pastor or maybe even a bishop. An alternative, a backup plan of sorts. But it looks like the jig's up. Seeds have been sown, miracles have been sold, the fools have been duped and prayers have been...well...NOT answered.
How to successully open and run a business 101: Church edition. Lessons learnt? 
1.Always give your fellow conmen their dues or they will screw you in the backside. 
2.Never accept fault!Always blame it on the devil!

It is just very unfortunate that millions,maybe thousand follow these "prophets" to get miracles. Give away their hard earned money just to get a little hope in life or miracles.
A miracle is when that single mother puts her kids through school only off the nyanya and veggies she sells. It is that kid who got an accident, lost a hand but still somehow learnt to use the other hand and passed her exams.
Don't expect Jesus to come down and multiply bread and fish for you...because He won't. But what he will do is wake you up every morning, give you great health, four limbs for you to get out there and bake your own. Or just cause a Superloaf truck to crash.
Impossible as it may seem, we are the authors of our own miracles. You want a job? Don't sow a seed. Go to school, get your papers in order, apply for it. That is your miracle. For sure they don't come easy. I believe Jesus multiplied the bread after guys had followed Him for some time, maybe 4pm...a whole day. Turned water into wine after the wedding's wine was over. I am not saying you should eat bread or drink wine...All I am saying, they all took time. But at the end, looking back, you realise it was worth your while.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

What I want

The only thing that really describes a human being being just as it is, a human being are the wants. Everyone wants something if not everything. Some may want a promotion to be CEO, others may want a job while most just do anything they come across just to get by the day....get something for the next day. Basic needs...Human wants. If only wishes were horses...
I also want many things. Top of my priority list, I want a girlfriend. Yes, you read it correct..a girl. But not just any lipstick wearing, ice cream eating booty shaking girls around the city. In my mind I picture a superwoman with all this specs laid out, ofcourse minus the superstrength and ability to fly.
I want a story teller. I want a girl who I can have long conversations for hours and hours without once ever posing to think of what to write. Either meaningful or pointless. I want a girl who will not say 'hi' and after i reply, i get '...'. A girl who we tell each other all our secrets and never once fear it getting out there because she will always have my back.
I want a smart girl who understands life. Who has all her priorities planned. One who knows all the right words to say in every predicament. One who knows other words apart from the usual 'aaww'. Cause, frankly it doesn't really fit in every conversation.
A girl who does not mind to get a share a plate of fries at a casual restaurant. A girl who appreciates the little efforts i put in, getting her a one two hundred shilling necklace for her birthday and wears it with all the sass in the world.
One who understands that life is never easy. Stands by me in the hard times...knowing that when things get better...when they do...I will get her the whole world.

p.s. every man
      ok most men
      but maybe only me

Monday 27 October 2014

Bruised by religion

What is religion really?
Some say it is just the preserve of the hopeless, a solace for the weak that assures them that today might be on the rocks but for some crazy reason, tomorrow is bound to be better. Most cases, never is. To others, it is just a belief of the unseen, faith in the untouched and unheard. A hope that somewhere on high or some place to the East there is a supernatural being: God, Yahweh, Allah
Different people? I leave that to your conscience.
I think, same guy, different names; Murungu, Nyasaye, Jah. Feel free to take your pick.
Every man for himself, God for us all. Everyday life makes you question the very logic of that.
Makes you wonder, what if, He showed Himself in different cultures at different points of the chronological tape? Hence the names? But for some reason, we all, find fault in other religions but our own.
"I dont like him, he worships the cross"
"I dislike her, she prays facing the sun"
"I dont like how he does the sign of the cross"
Always someone else.
But I saw past her hijab. It didnt matter to me that she prayed facing the East. I didnt mind the hina on her skin. Only because I thought it only made her even prettier. I didnt care that she covered her from head to feet...she had the sexiest eyes ever. I hadnt seen her hair....but I always had hope they were locks of gold. I would have taken a grenade, let alone a bullet for her. If loving her was a sin, I would have gone to hell ten times over and still stand infront of the Most High and say I still did.
So I overlooked all that and went all in. Never at once stopping to mind the outcome. Living in the moment, one step at a time. But like most, the ending lacked the happy part, or the end itself. "Aazim" seemed like a cool name to have at the time, Matt Aazim.
But what if...what if on the last day, we find only one big Guy with the tag God, Allah, Krishna, Buddha even Jah. All in one Guy. I'd like to see the look on all your faces when it happens. I'll probably take a picture and instagram it pap! Maybe even tag the big Guy and y'all. That oughta put a smile on all you religious discriminators.
What if...maybe...Just maybe.