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I recently found myself in a not so flashy part of Nairobi. With the bad roads coupled with the poor driving skills possessed by the residen...

Tuesday 9 December 2014

The devil in the details

Don't you just love Nairobi. The one reason is that Nairobi has a lot of pretty girls. The kind of jaw dropping, eye popping, mouth watering girls walking the town. And so I thought to myself, why not? Just why wouldn't I reel myself in one of the trophy girls. And so I did.
And I saw she was good! Not just about the face or the curves on her, she was awesome. And I thought so too.
We texted a lot. Am talking sleep and wake up on my phone. Four days straight is a big deal for me. All bliss, until she said she thought that Global warming was a hoax.
That was where I got off.
Call it chauvinism, call it opinion. Really, there is no substitute for a good head. A solid head on your shoulders that can hold an informed opinion about something...anything worthwhile than the Kardashian's choice of wear to an event...or even just what drink she can or cannot drink basing on the price....or not.
I'm not saying that everyone should have a phd neither am I saying that drinking is bad...but reading a book once a while will go a long way.
Knowing that it's Chelsea and not Samsung that's winning is cute but knowing that Hitler was a German and not from Angola is hot.
All in all, next time you are probably asked about Picasso? It'll probably not be smart to talk of JayZ's song.

1 comment:

  1. Global warming a hoax? She needs a trophy just for thinking that way.
