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Monday 27 October 2014

Bruised by religion

What is religion really?
Some say it is just the preserve of the hopeless, a solace for the weak that assures them that today might be on the rocks but for some crazy reason, tomorrow is bound to be better. Most cases, never is. To others, it is just a belief of the unseen, faith in the untouched and unheard. A hope that somewhere on high or some place to the East there is a supernatural being: God, Yahweh, Allah
Different people? I leave that to your conscience.
I think, same guy, different names; Murungu, Nyasaye, Jah. Feel free to take your pick.
Every man for himself, God for us all. Everyday life makes you question the very logic of that.
Makes you wonder, what if, He showed Himself in different cultures at different points of the chronological tape? Hence the names? But for some reason, we all, find fault in other religions but our own.
"I dont like him, he worships the cross"
"I dislike her, she prays facing the sun"
"I dont like how he does the sign of the cross"
Always someone else.
But I saw past her hijab. It didnt matter to me that she prayed facing the East. I didnt mind the hina on her skin. Only because I thought it only made her even prettier. I didnt care that she covered her from head to feet...she had the sexiest eyes ever. I hadnt seen her hair....but I always had hope they were locks of gold. I would have taken a grenade, let alone a bullet for her. If loving her was a sin, I would have gone to hell ten times over and still stand infront of the Most High and say I still did.
So I overlooked all that and went all in. Never at once stopping to mind the outcome. Living in the moment, one step at a time. But like most, the ending lacked the happy part, or the end itself. "Aazim" seemed like a cool name to have at the time, Matt Aazim.
But what if...what if on the last day, we find only one big Guy with the tag God, Allah, Krishna, Buddha even Jah. All in one Guy. I'd like to see the look on all your faces when it happens. I'll probably take a picture and instagram it pap! Maybe even tag the big Guy and y'all. That oughta put a smile on all you religious discriminators.
What if...maybe...Just maybe.

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