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I recently found myself in a not so flashy part of Nairobi. With the bad roads coupled with the poor driving skills possessed by the residen...

Monday 31 October 2016

Dear Christian

Dear Christian,
I woke up at 3am today. It was silent, it was cold. I almost thought I heard the sound of my blood flow in my veins, but turns out to be the wind slowly caressing my bedroom window. Your name came up first, I shrilled, just a bit, I didn’t know why. I wondered when you would come, I wondered how you would look like, I wondered whether I would be ready. I wondered whether I was living right by you.
The terms of the contract are very clear should you decide whether or not to sign into it. A lifetime my precious, is what one expects, however long, however short.
You are coming at a very early time, I had planned on it though. Many a night I wondered just how good looking you will be, just how smart you will be. It still remains a secret well hidden from me. But I intend to find out.
Your mother is half scared to death, it is allowed, because it is she who has to bear most of the burden. It is she who makes the most sacrifice. Only she. But I have to be strong, for two. Hold her hand when she feels scared and make her see that everything will be fine. Give her a shoulder to lean on when she feels down. I am scared too, but the mere thought of seeing you smile makes it all the worthwhile.
Sleepless nights are coming up for me. That is one thing that I do not dread. You deserve the best in the world. You deserve to get whatever you would like from Santa Claus. The Easter Bunny will bring you all the chocolate you can eat. I will only ensure that they get your letters.
A bed of roses is what your world should be. But thorns are a part of roses too. The beauty about thorns, my dear, they can always be cut off. I will be your superhero, your Batman, your Superman, your Spiderman. Because I intend to fight for you until I can fight no more.
A speech of the horrible place that the world you are getting into seems a tad too much for your pretty little ears, for now. The world under the cover of the dark seems like a treacherous place, but with the coming of the light in the morning, so does hope.
As I look into her eyes, big hazel eyes, I get lost in them, I get reassurance myself, I feel safe, I feel complete. I always tell her that if you had half the brains my mother thinks I have, half the beauty she has, a quarter of the those pristine eyes and her heart of gold?The world would surely fall at your feet.

With lots of love,